96% of Success

96% of our recent 5-year students met or exceeded their admissions goals, attesting to the power of our personalized Roadmaps.

Insight Academix Student Success Stories



Jason joined Insight Academix total academic package during his 9th grade fall. He had good progress at school but hadn’t had any AP courses yet. He was interested in engineering and was a well-rounded, outgoing, happy boy. He was also actively involved in his school’s student council.

Jason was good at math and science classes, as well as had strong leadership and interpersonal skills. He loved to make things and problem solving.

We saw his organizational skills, leadership, and research potential. However, he seemed a little lost.

We constantly set reachable goals and discussed his progress to motivate him. Over time, we suggested more challenging tasks to help him challenge his limits. He even took the AP World History exam without taking class, and scored 5 in his 9th grade May.

He actively participated in the student council and was elected as president of his high school. As the captain of the debate team, he won many awards in competitions.

He showed a genuine interest in research so we recommended he take AP Seminar and Research courses. He later won a state TSA research competition with a solar heating system project.

He also worked on an economics research project and published in a professional economics journal. Jason prepared for the SAT in summer after Junior year and met the 1570 target in super score.

We tried to develop all his talents in both business and engineering sides, since he can handle both challenges, but cannot be satisfied by either one. His strong leadership and organization skills also helped him be accepted to the Wharton School M & T program.

“I didn’t know what to do. I liked debating and hanging out with my friends.
However, I challenged myself with Insight Academix counselors, and I am in Wharton now.
I am happy and thankful”



Susan first came to Insight Academix just before she started her 10th grade. She was a bright girl and has been trying AMC since 7th grade. She loved writing poems and was an active member of her school jazz band. She also presented antibiotic research at her middle school science fair and was very proud of her grand award.

Her parents thought Susan was a math genius and Caltech or MIT must be a great undergraduate institution for her. However, the Insight Academix team found out that her genuine interest is research in viruses and her broad academic interests in poem, coding, and even politics align better with Ivy League universities than tech schools.

After careful discussion with her and her parents, we set her college admissions goal as Computational Biology major at Brown University. During her 10th grade, she qualified for AIME second time but she was losing passion in mathematical competitions as her score was stuck.

Insight Academix recommended research projects instead of pursuing mathematics and biology olympiads. She loved a bioinformatics research project after sophomore year summer and tried another biology and computer science research project after Junior year summer. Both of her papers were published in high school research journals.

She also wrote multiple poems and essays to submit creative writing contests and teen magazines. Insight Academix supported her to participate in diverse academic yet fun competitions, such as Conrard Challenge and Diamond Challenge. She enjoyed team challenges in real life problem solvings team challenges with scientific approaches. Her school classroom activities outperformed our expectations, completing 11 AP courses and scoring many 5 points, but she didn’t have much luck with the SAT exam.

We suggested she try the ACT exam because her reading skill was excellent and very familiar with scientific reading materials with complicated charts and tables. She got these skills from research activities and it was beneficial to the ACT science exam. She got 35 from the first try after about a month of intensive preparation with Insight Academix ACT tutor, and achieved her standard test goal.

She appealed to her genuine interests in research and diverse academic curiosity through her admissions essays and admitted Brown University in her early decision application.

“Insight Acdemix brought me all the help I needed and made my high school life amazing.
I worked super hard but it was worth it.
Proud of myself and thank you Insight for everything.”

Our students have been admitted to all eight Ivy League colleges and other highly competitive top colleges and universities. ​

Boston College

Boston University

Brown University

Carnegie Mellon University

Case Western Reserve University

Cleveland Institute of Music

Columbia University

Cornell University

Dartmouth College

Duke University

Emory University

Georgetown University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University

Juilliard School

Manhattan School of Music


New York University

NYU Stern School of Business

Northeastern University

Northwestern University

Princeton University

Purdue University

Rice University

The Cooper Union

UC Berkeley


University of Chicago

University of Michigan

University of North Carolina

University of Notre Dame

University of Pennsylvania

UPenn The Wharton School

University of Rochester

University of Virginia

US Military Academy West Point

Vanderbilt University

Washington University in St. Louis

Yale University

Ivey Business School (Ontario)

University of British Columbia

University of Toronto

University of Waterloo

York University

Our students have achieved numerous awards from academic competitions and have published their research in high-profile international journals and conferences, including:


Biology Olympiad

Chemistry Olympiad

Coca-Cola Scholar

Coolidge Scholar

The Stanford Economics Journal

Computer Science Olympiad

Congressional Essay Contest

Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

FRA Americanism Essay Contest

George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest

Google Tech Challenge

Harvard Economics Review Essay

International Committee of Computational Linguistics

JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest


New York Times Student Competitions

NJCTE High School Writing Contest

Physics Olympiad

Presidential Scholar

Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair

Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

The Concord Review

The Conrad Challenge

Voice of Democracy Essay and Scholarship Program

World Series of Innovation